We’re Looking for a Few Amazing F.A.S.T. Customers to Join our New

JayLab Pro Ambassador Program



Here at JayLab Pro, we are searching for a few amazing people like these to be our next JayLab Pro Ambassadors.


We are so excited to announce the launch of our all-new JayLab Pro Ambassador Program!


Every month, we’ll be choosing one new inspiring customer to be our JayLab Pro Ambassador... someone who embodies our message of improving health at every age.


As a JayLab Pro Ambassador, we would want to hear your experiences with JayLab Pro.  We want to know what YOU think about JayLab Pro, our products and our F.A.S.T. philosophy.


We’ll ask our Ambassadors to film short videos and take photos to share your JayLab Pro experiences. Then we’ll share your videos and photos with our F.A.S.T. audience of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.


Would you like to join this elite JayLab Pro Ambassador Program? Read on to find out what’s involved.


You Could Be Our Next Ambassador If...


We’re looking for the most inspiring customers who are already a leading a healthy lifestyle and love to share what it working for them.


As a family-run business that was grown on a grass-roots background, we recognize the value of all types of Ambassadors—including people who have both large and intimate followings.


Think this might be for you? You could be our next Ambassador if...

- You have a strong voice and you aren’t afraid to use it.

- You’d love to be the “face” and “voice” of JayLab Pro to our following of 50,000+

engaged followers.

- You’re excited about being a F.A.S.T. voice for those who want to learn how to live a healthier life!

- You feel completely at ease filming short videos on your phone, laptop or other

device. (Or having someone else film you!)

- You love JayLab Pro and you’re excited to spread the word about what we do.


Sound like you? Great, we’d love to hear from you! Read on for instructions to apply.


Oh, I should mention there are perks such as some free supplements and other deals and swag...


Interested? Give Us a Few Details About You


We’ll be accepting applications for new Ambassadors all year long! You can get started

by filling out all the details below. We’ll reach out to you if we feel it’s a good fit.