Here The 5 Signs You’re Addicted to Sugar That You Need To Watch Out For


There’s a good chance that you’re eating too much sugar…

…and you may not even know it!

Sure, you may glance over the food label looking for the most common terms: corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, cane sugar.

And if you don’t see those names on the food label, you may think that it’s perfectly fine and contains no sugar.

But you may be WRONG!

You see, sugar has about 61 different names.  Yes, the obvious ones may jump out at you, but the less obvious ones are the ones you need to worry about.

Now, if you don’t think you’re eating too much sugar, then good for you.

But if you’re unsure if you are—and want to know how you can figure out if you’re eating too much sugar, then please take a look at the following FIVE signs common with excessive sugar consumption:

1. You’re Always TIRED

If you’re always tired, then there may be a good chance you’ve been eating too much sugar.

Unless, of course, you were up at all periods of the night and didn’t get a chance to get your recommended sleep.

Most people who eat too much sugar tend to be on a “blood sugar rollercoaster,” meaning their blood sugar peaks very high, but then crashes to very low levels.

And when people are on this rollercoaster, chances are you’re going to feed it some sort of junk food or unhealthy sugar-filled delight to peak your energy once again.

This only leads to higher peaks and much lower peaks, which suck out your energy!

Once you cut it out of your diet, you may find that your energy levels are naturally higher and that you bounce back easily during the late morning or early afternoon lulls.

2. Unruly Cravings

Here’s the deal…

When you eat a lot of sugar, your body starts to crave it—in any form it can get!

Why is this? Sugar is very addictive, which means it targets cells in your brain that control cravings.

Just a little bit causes your brain to need more and more.  And no matter how much you eat, your brain will still tell you that you need more!

But that’s not the only thing that happens…

Too much sugar has also been linked to alterations in gut bacteria that may make you crave sugar and unhealthy foods.

This lethal combination may cause you to crave sugar and other unhealthy carbs (desserts, junk food, and candy) in order to satisfy your sugar need.

3. Your Complexion is Suffering

Too much sugar in your diet could lead to conditions of the skin.

The reason: Sugar causes inflammation to occur on the inside of the body.

And this inflammation could manifest itself on the outside of your body as well.

If you find that you have dry, scaly skin, acne, or just overall skin imbalances, then you may want to look thoroughly at your diet first before contacting a dermatologist.

The answer could be too much sugar, which could be causing a multitude of problems inside your body and outside of your body.

4. You’re Sick—A LOT!

Sugar does some pretty serious stuff in your body.

However, when it comes to your immune system, sugar packs a wallop!

Sugar suppresses your immune system, which makes it less effective at fighting off those nasty cold and flu viruses and bacteria.

So, if you’re always reaching for the tissues, or have to use over-the-counter meds all the time, then maybe making some changes to your diet would be recommended.

5. You’re Depressed or Anxious

Welcome back rollercoaster! When you’re on that sugar rollercoaster, there’s a good chance you may be flooded with emotions…

…and not good ones!

You see, one side effect of having high and low blood sugar levels could be depression or anxious feelings.

And the longer you’re on the rollercoaster, the more depressed and/or anxious you may become.

However, give up the white stuff and you may find your mood changing for the better and you could be significantly less anxious.

What Can You Do About Your Sugar Cravings?

Now that you understand that you may be addicted to sure, the next step is finding a way to break the vicious cycle.

You may not know this (or maybe you do and you’re choosing to ignore it), but SUGAR may be the one thing that is preventing you from fitting into your skinny jeans.

Sugar is possibly the most insulting foods you can eat, and one that does nothing but make your waistline expand.

Plus, too much sugar creates a never-ending cycle in your body (your brain mostly) that keeps you from fulfilling your dreams of losing weight and keeping you healthy.

In fact, sugar creates a nasty cycle that causes you to crave more sugary foods, which ends up leading to the sugar addiction that you’re currently wrapped up in today.

And if you don’t know about the cycle, give me minute to explain …

The Sugar Addiction Cycle

First, you eat something with sugar, and your body and brain enjoys it.  The added sugar raises your blood sugar, therefore keeping this addictive substance flowing through your body.

Your pancreas, seeing that there is too much sugar in your blood, releases enough insulin to lower your blood sugar (sometimes to very low levels).

Your brain, not liking the low sugar levels, sends a signal to your body that you need to eat MORE sugar so it can be happy. 

Normally, the signal is relatively normal.  But when you’re addicted, the signal becomes stronger, therefore your cravings are more intense.

And this cycle happens each time you consume added sugar and it raises your blood sugar levels.

So, how do you stay away from sugar? What can you do to prevent yourself from picking all your favorite treats that you shouldn’t have?

Eat protein.

And, even better, drink a whey protein smoothie.

That’s right – whey protein has been shown in countless scientific investigations to promote satiety and prevent overeating better than most any other food.

Researchers from the Netherlands have even shown that it is a specific protein in whey that has the satiety-promoting effects. This protein is known as alpha-lactalbumin and is essential to your fat-loss goals.  But, to get alpha-lactalbumin, you just need to drink a complete whey protein smoothie and you’re all set.

Also, whey protein boosts diet-induced thermogenesis, which means it’ll help you burn more calories just by eating it.


Increasing your alpha-lactalbumin may not be the only benefit to eating more protein and curbing your appetite. Findings in a recent study published, shows some promise for controlling blood sugar levels.

And it involves using whey protein before you eat breakfast.

Whey protein – which is a type of protein powder or drink – has been shown in previous studies to increase the secretion of glucagon-like peptide 1, which could stimulate beta cells and could lead to improvements in blood sugar control.

Here’s what they found:

They randomly selected patients to receive 50 grams of whey protein or a placebo drink before eating a high-carb meal designed to increase blood sugar levels.

They discovered that those patients who received the whey protein solution had their plasma glucose levels decline by 28 percent with a “uniform reduction during both early and late phases.”

They also discovered that insulin and C-peptide responses were both higher (105 percent and 43 percent respectively) with the whey solution before a meal, compared to the placebo.

They also noticed that insulin in the early stages (when blood sugar could be elevating) was 96 percent higher, compared to control.

Now, here is where it gets interesting:

Both total GLP-1 and intact GLP-1 were significantly higher (by 141 percent and 298 percent respectively) with the preload whey group.

They concluded: “Consumption of whey protein shortly before a high-glycaemic-index breakfast increased the early prandial and late insulin secretion, augmented tGLP-1 and iGLP-1 responses and reduced postprandial glycaemia in type 2 diabetic patients.]Whey protein may therefore represent a novel approach for enhancing glucose-lowering strategies in type 2 diabetes.”

As you can see, eating more protein may 1) help control your appetite by increasing satiety hormones (tells your body that you’re full and satisfied) in your body, and 2) by lower blood sugar levels and lowering the insulin response, therefore preventing peaks and valleys in your blood sugar levels.

Plus, both may keep cravings under control, therefore preventing you from eating more and more sugar to prevent unruly cravings.

But there is one more way to break the sugar addiction that you may not realize is even a thing.

That’s by increasing your intake of essential fatty acids, otherwise known as the omega-3 fats.

These fats, which are prominent in Omega Icon Krill Oil, may be beneficial to altering cholesterol levels, improving triglyceride levels, raising HDL cholesterol, and improving cognitive and mental function.

But now it may show promise by binding to specific molecules, therefore reducing high blood sugar.

PPARγ is a receptor in your body which controls fat cell growth, and lends a hand in increasing sensitivity of your cells to insulin.

The problem: These cells need to bind to something called a ligand in order to activate so it can do its job.

One potent nutrient PPARγ can bind itself to may be essential fatty acids, more specifically DHA and EPA.

DHA and EPA may help control HIGH BLOOD SUGAR

DHA and EPA are found in high amounts in fish products as well as Krill/fish oil supplements.
Back to PPARγ!

When they bind to essential fatty acids, there are increases in cells that produce and burn fat, and cells which are responsible for glucose uptake.

They help shuttle sugar into cells!

This result in lower plasma glucose, or sugar in your blood!

This is a good thing for diabetics!

The binding of PPARγ to essential fatty acids increases the expression of GLUT4.

GLUT4 is a glucose transporter found in adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and cardiac muscle.

This transporter is responsible for removing glucose from your blood and shuttling it into the working muscles.
Result: More sugar being used by your body.

This means there is less sugar in your blood and more sugar being used by YOUR muscles for ENERGY.  It also increases Adiponectin, a potent hormone which may help regulate blood sugar levels AND regulates the amount of FAT utilized by your body.

Interesting stuff, huh?

Take Home Message

Sugar is wildly popular, but can be very addicting if you’re not careful.

And if you don’t think you’re eating sugar, think again!

Most food products contain one of the 61 different names for sugar.  And if you think you’re addicted, but you’re not sure, then this list should be helpful to you.

Common symptoms including depression, getting sick, intense cravings, low energy, and skin issues could all be signs that you’re getting too much sugar in your diet.

If you want to improve your health, you should cut back on the sugar in order to prevent future issues from occurring.


Other Resources:

Control Your Brain and Prevent Stubborn Cravings From Derailing Your Weight Loss Anymore

The Easy Way To Boost Your "Internal Sugar Transporter" To Reduce Cravings And Boost Fat Loss

The Easy Way To Boost Alpha-Lactalbulim To Curb Cravings And Shut Down The Blood Sugar Rollercoaster

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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