Why Is Protein So Important For Weight Loss?


Protein is important for weight loss for a few reasons.  

One reason is that it can help boost metabolism.  It does this through the Thermic Effect of Food.  It requires the body to work harder to digest and utlize protein vs carbs or fat.  Therefore it requires more calories used.  When you consume 100 grams of protein it can take up to 20-30% of those calories to digest and utlize those calories.  So you have a net 70-80 calories.  

Where as with carbohydrates it would only require about 5-10 calories used to digest 100 calories of carbs.  Fat is even less at 1-3 calories required. 

This is just one way to boost metabolism and can equate to an extra 80-100 calories burned per day just by changing the macronutrients you consume.  

Protein also helps with weight loss by reducing the appetite and hunger.  

As I mentioned earlier on how it takes the body more work to digest protein well this helps you stay fuller for a longer period of time because it takes longer to clear the protein from your stomach.  

You also dont have blood sugar spikes like you would when eating higher carbs.  This helps curb the appetite for a longer period of time.  

Protein helps increase the appetite suppressing hormones such as GLP-1, Peptide YY and Cholecystokinin.  This is a big one that helps with weight loss because when you can control appetite hormones you are going to eat less over calories which facilitates weight loss. 

Protein also reduces the level of the hormone Ghrelin which is an appetite stimulating hormone.  All keys to successful weight loss. 

People who increase their protein intake have been shown to eat fewer calories throughout the day.  In one research study the participants who ate 30% of their calories as protein ended up eating 441 fewer calories than those who didnt consume 30% of their calories as protein. 

One final way that protein helps with weight loss is by decreasing the late night snacking or eating.  

In one research study they found that diets with protein intake of 25% or higher were shown to reduce late night eating and snacking by 60%.  

That is huge for those that tend to graze at night and dont realize that they are consuming an additional few hundred calories that they dont need to be.  


Protein plays a key role in successful weight loss.  You dont have to go to the extremes when it comes to consuming protein, but aim for at a minimum of 30% of your calories from lean proteins so that the body can regulate the proper appetite suppressing and stimulating hormones.  This will have you reducing the amount of overall calories you eat and without the hunger pains. 

If you are not a big fan of meat then a protein shake is a great alternative to get in your protein requirements.  

You can also add protein powder to numerous recipes so that you dont always have to drink numerous protein shakes.  

Here are 51 recipes that we have created that you can use protein powder in and they taste delicious. 

 [DOWNLOAD FREE 51 Protein Recipes] Want Easy Ways to Include Protein In Your Fat Loss Plans?




About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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