Yo Peeps!

Coach Calvin Richard here and I want you to check out our Verus Strength & Fitness custom packages built just for you.

I have worked with Jayson a 20+ year Registered Dietitian and owner of Jaylab Pro to create some custom packages for you and your needs.  I also asked him to make them affordable with a sweet discount for my clients. And he delivered… BOOM! Check out our very custom packages below. 

 Dedicated to your success.

-Coach Calvin Richard  

This first customized package is for everyone who needs to kick that nasty sugar habit.  This package came about because I was consulting with Jayson on how I can kick my habit and to rid of Candida which was causing me to crave immense amounts of sugar.  

So he suggested I start taking these 3 products.  During our conversation I mentioned that I have clients who don't have Candida, but crave sugar and he explained to me how it is an addiction.  He offered to create this custom package for my clients who need a little extra nudge to break their sugar addiction.  

The Probiotics help to create a healthy gut environment and provide your gut with good healthy bacteria.  More and more researchers are finding that our gut health influences if we lose weight or not because of how we digest and absorb the food we eat.  These probiotics help to ensure we properly utilize the nutrients we eat through food. 

The 2nd product is UltraCleanse.  Jayson informed me that all 6 of our fat burning hormones have to pass through our liver for them to be activated and utilized.  If our liver is so stressed with trying to clean our body of toxins, pesticides and other environmental contaminants then it won't allow these other reactions that have lower priority pass through ie: fat burning hormones.  Optimize the liver and allow your body to maximize its fat burning potential. 

The final combo product is Gluco Guardian.  Gluco Guardian is designed to stabilize our insulin response after a meal.  When we eat food we usually have a spike in blood sugars which triggers our body to send out insulin.  The less insulin we need the more opportunities our body has of burning the sugars we just consumed as energy instead of storing them as fat.  

Take Gluco Guardian with a meal and let these powerful nutrients tame our blood sugar response so our body has the best chance of using these calories for energy. 

Here is what you get with this customized package.



Kick The Craving Sugar & Gut Reboot


This is by far, our most popular package for kicking the sugar habit.. You will save the most money too! It's giving you EVERYTHING you need to kick the habit.

  • One bottle of UltraCleanse
  • One bottle of Gluco Guardian
  • One bottle of Probiotics
  • If you are serious about your health and staying fit, this is the package for you.
Kick Sugar combo pack
Products not to scale.
Retail $134.85


Free Shipping

 The second package is the Lions Roar...

It contains T20 that helps to get our MOJO back in us gracefully aging men.  It contains a set of nutrients that help to free up the testosterone we already have so that our bodies can actually use it. 

The 2nd specialized product is Active Core Complex.  This whole-food based multivitamin is designed to provide us with the vitamins and minerals we don't consume through our food.  We know we are supposed to be eating more fruits and vegetables but the reality is we just don't get it done.  Active Core Complex helps us strengthen this weakness in our nutritional foundation. 

The third specialized product is LeptiSense.  LeptiSense helps us to get our 6-pack abs back that are hiding under that layer of fat.  LeptiSense repairs our master fat burning hormone Leptin so that we can control our appetite as well as allow our brain to release stored fat to be burned off as energy.  It also allows us to lower our stress hormone Cortisol which tends to store fat around our mid-section and love handles. 

The final product is Protein.  Once we free up our testosterone and lower our cortisol levels we need a good protein source to be able to build new lean muscle that will boost our metabolism and burn more calories. This whey protein powder is absolutely delicious and you won't go wrong with picking either flavor.  

Check out everything you get below.



T20, Active Core Complex, LeptiSense, and Protein

This is by far, our most popular package and best selling Men's package. You will save the most money too! It's giving you EVERYTHING you need to stay fit and trim and bring out that inner Lion in you.

  • One bottle of T20
  • One bottle of Active Core Complex
  • One bottle of Leptisense
  • One Bottle Of Your Favorite Flavor Of Protein
Alpha Elite Combo Pack
Products not to scale.
Retail $220.80


Free Shipping

Choose Your Protein Flavor.


Here is one other package that I personally think you will love.  


Health & Fitness Starter Pack

Active Core Complex, Omega Icon, Jaylab Pro Protein

This combo pack is for anyone that wants to establish a solid
Nutritional Foundation and strengthen those weak spots in
their Nutritional Intake.

  • One bottle of Active Core Complex complete whole food multi-nutrient supplement. You can choose either men's or women's version.
  • One bottle of Omega Icon - perfect blend of powerful anti-oxidants and Omega-3s
  • One bottle of Pharmaceutical Quality Whey Protein - naturally sweetened with Stevia and Microfiltered and Ion-Exchanged Isolates for unaparalled purity.
health and fitness starter pack
Products not to scale.
Retail $137.85


Free Shipping

Please choose a Protein flavor.


With the Jaylab Pro Verus Smart Ship super-savings plan you will enjoy:

**Jaylab Pro Verus Packs are only available in the United States.  For those who live outside U.S. or Canada you can still enjoy many of our other great products by clicking any of the links in the navigation at the top.


Free Shipping! You will never pay one dime for shipping on this order and all future bottles

Save Time with Auto-Delivery – your products will be shipped every month right to your door automatically.

Never worry again about running out of your favorite JayLab Pro product

Convenient and Flexible – if you are traveling and need to postpone your shipment for a few days or weeks, no problem. Call our support line and we’ll postpone your delivery until you get back.

No contracts – you can cancel your Jaylab Pro Verus Combo Pack delivery program anytime by logging into your account. There are no contacts to sign and you are never locked-in.


To read about customs laws and international shipping please click this link and check out "International Information"