Our New and Improved All-Natural Solution To Eliminating Joint Pain.

 If You’re Ready To Experience A SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION In Your Nagging Joint Pain Within The Next 7 Days…Or Even Completely Get Rid Of Joint Pain In 60 Days…All You Need Is This Powerful New Solution


  • Support healthy bone growth—to give stability to weakened bones.
  • Soothe the inflammation present in 99% of knees, hips, and shoulder joints.
  • Prevent cartilage breakdown and add both strength and the nutrients needed to build new cartilage.
  • Reduce painful arthritis symptoms and move with ease—no matter how bad your joints are.
  • Reduce immediate and persistent inflammation so you can get back to the things you love.
  • …and so much more.

Dear Reader,

If you suffer from joint pain, which most of us do, you may think it’s all about getting older…

General wear and tear from years of working…

Or painful knees, hips, and ankles from all the pounding you’ve put on your body.

And it’s true.  Aging does a number on your joints and it’s completely normal to have a few aches and pains in your body.


Having severe pain…

The kind of pain that limits you from doing your favorite activities…

Is NOT normal and something you shouldn’t live with each day.

The sharp, shooting pains you feel getting out of bed…

The dull ache in your neck…

Or the twinges you feel in your lower back from sitting too long…

These symptoms are anything but normal.

In a moment, I am going to share with you something that could eliminate joint pain within 7 days

…and could give you stronger, healthier joints that don’t pop, lock, or become stiff from standing on them for a couple hours.

This way you can:

  • Get back to LIVING again—free from painful stiffness popping, and locking sensations.
  • Walk, jog, or run with ease and not have to worry about painful feet when you get home.
  • Get back to hiking, running, jogging, and exercising—or any activity you enjoyed before painful joints got in the way.
  • Get off your daily over-the-counter pain relief meds, gels, or creams that only work for a few hours—or not at all.

You shouldn’t have to just live with joint pain for the rest of your life…

You should be able to live your life on your own terms.

So, if you have arthritis or any type of joint pain and:

  • Getting out of bed each morning is excruciating…
  • Climbing stairs becomes a nightmare…
  • You’re afraid to stop moving because your body will “lock” up once you sit for a moment…
  • Your joints feel like someone is poking glass straight into them…

You won’t want to miss what’s coming next.

Because this non-addictive, all-natural solution has helped thousands of people reclaim their lives and cut down, or even eliminate joint pain altogether.


Trust me…

I know what it feels like to visit the doctor and they tell you it’s bad…

Like bone-on-bone bad.

Because this happened to me from years of martial arts, running, and high-intensity exercises.

My knees screamed at me every night…

My back was tight, and I couldn’t stretch enough to loosen it up…

My shoulders woke me up every morning at 5am…

And it felt like I always had a toothache in my joints.

My doctor told me that I had ZERO cartilage left in my knees…

And my back and shoulders were showing the signs arthritis.

But I couldn’t believe that at such a young age there was no hope for my joints.

have a life to live—and I intended to live it on my terms no matter what.

I am sure you’ve felt the same.

So, I did my research…

I scoured the journals looking for answers…

And what I discovered was:

There Are Two Reasons For Miserable Joint Pain:

Persistent Inflammation And Lack Of Cushioning Left In My Joints!

We’ve talked about inflammation in the past.  It can do everything from preventing fat loss (which is bad enough for your joints)…

…to causing heart disease.

But that same inflammation can wreck your joints…even speeding up the destruction of your cartilage.

This keeps your joints from moving smoothly each day from more synovial fluid being produced to offset the cartilage breakdown…

And leads to awful pain INSIDE your joints.

Before this was only an “old person’s” problem.   But not anymore.

Although this is very common in those who are 50 or 60…

More young people are seeing—and FEELING—the effects of arthritis.

The pain that prevents them from walking and exercising…

The swelling that makes their feet feel like they will burst at any moment…

The pain that makes putting away dishes or folding laundry more of a chore than it should be.

And it only gets worse when tissue in your joints start to breakdown…leading to more bone-on-bone friction…

Which creates more inflammation…

Leading to more pain and stiffness…

And causes you to take far too many over-the-counter pain meds—just so you can function normally throughout the day.

People in their 20s and 30s are now feeling “their age” more than ever—thanks to a diet that creates inflammation.

And once inflammation levels start to climb…it causes synovial fluid to dry up…

Leading to bones rubbing together.  It’s like rubbing a stick between your palms to start a fire…

But instead of that friction starting a fire…

It’s rubbing your nerves raw, causing your joints to scream in pain.

And guess what? 

Synovial fluid is one of the easiest ways to fix your joints…

But is often overlooked by doctors.  Instead, they give you another shot…

Prescribe another round of cortisone…

Or recommend a total joint replacement…

Just so you can live pain-free.

That, in my opinion, is the easy way out…and only leads to more of your money going to hospitals and doctors who aren’t interested in getting to the root of the problem.

Luckily, I am.

After extensive research…and plenty of feedback from our customers…

I created a product to make your joints move better…

…and help them FEEL better in the process. 

Because I don’t want to just give you something that masks the pain…

…but something that corrects the issues that is causing the pain in the first place!

If you’re frustrated that you will continue to live in pain forever…

I would like to present our revamped, stronger-than-ever:

Advanced Joint Support

Our newest formulation supplies the compounds, found in the farthest corners of the world, to:

  • Target the exact cause of inflammation (without adverse effects to your liver or body).
  • Restore brittle cartilage to almost like new to provide support and cushion in your joints.
  • Replenish lost synovial fluid so you can lubricate your joints and move easier again.
  • Supply the building blocks needed to develop healthy tissue.

And once you solve all the major issues impacting your joint health…you will notice how easy it is to move again…

How fast the pain will cease so you can get back to walking, riding, or playing golf…

And when picking up your grandkids or kids doesn’t cause an ounce of pain in your lower back.

Imagine how nice this would be. 

It would be like a fresh of breath air as you’re able to get back to doing all the activities you would like—with ZERO pain.

Our newest formulation of Advanced Joint Support is a non-addictive, safe, and 100% natural way to melt away joint stiffness and pain.

It contains no fillers, no additives, or artificial ingredients.  You’re only getting nature’s strongest nutrients that will have a rippling effect through your body.

This powerful formula contains 8 powerful nutrients to lower inflammation…

Add support and cushion to your joints…

Slow the pro-inflammatory molecules that contribute to poor joint health…

And reduce joint pain and swelling once and for all.

Taking 2 capsules each day, you’re going to see and FEEL your pain melt away in as little as 7 days…

…and could be completely pain-free in as little as 60 days.

Here’s what you will get in your daily serving of Advanced Joint Support:

Glucosamine Sulfate—this naturally occurring molecule found in your cartilage has been shown to reduce pain by lowering inflammation, slowing the breakdown of cartilage, and preventing the loss of cartilage in your joints.   It may also increase the production of synovial fluid, therefore helping your joints glide normally.  Studies also show glucosamine may slow the degeneration of cartilage in your joints, therefore adding more stability and support.

Boswellia Extract—this powerful nutrient may be effective at reducing inflammation and the symptoms associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).  It’s so effective, the Arthritis Foundation often recommends Boswellia extract for both RA and osteoarthritis.

Chondroitin Sulfate—one of the most common supplements used around the world for managing arthritis symptoms, chondroitin has been shown to prevent cartilage breakdown, and in some cases, it increases the synthesis of nutrients needed to increase cartilage production.

Turmeric—a potent kitchen spice linked to many different health conditions, due to the powerful anti-inflammatory actions contained in curcumin.  Turmeric has been shown to reduce pain and makes moving easier for people suffering from arthritis.

Quercetin—this nutrient provides soothing relief for many inflammatory conditions, including arthritis.  Studies show quercetin may relieve both acute and chronic inflammation and might PREVENT arthritis due to many anti-arthritis compounds.

Methionine—this powerful antioxidant may stop the production of inflammation and inflammation-creating molecules, therefore preventing further destruction of your joints.  Studies show, when combined with glucosamine, methionine may slow the progression of arthritis and could repair damaged and produce cartilage.

MSM (Methylsulfonimethane)
—this sulfur-containing nutrient packs a punch when it comes to joint health.  Not only does it lower inflammation, it also prevents the breakdown of cartilage in your joints.  This combination prevents joint degeneration, which is the leading cause of pain, poor joint mobility, and poor joint movement. 

Bromelain—this natural extract of the pineapple fruit may reduce pain, soft tissue swelling, and joint stiffness associated with arthritis.  It also acts as an enzyme, breaking down and speeding up the absorption for many of the nutrients found in Advanced Joint Support.

As you can see, these 8 powerful nutrients not only reduce pain and inflammation, but they may also provide the building blocks for rebuilding cartilage in your joints.

Advanced Joint Support May Not Be For You…

I Know You May Be Skeptical…

Look, I was skeptical too when I first tried the finished Advanced Joint Support product myself.

I had suffered for years from arthritis pain…

And no cream…supplement (or combination of supplements)…or over-the-counter aids helped ease my pain.

Sure, they helped a little…

But I was still popping over-the-counter pain aids once, sometimes, twice a day.

Once I started taking Advanced Joint Support, I started to notice immediate effects.

The pain didn’t disappear overnight…

But gradually, over time, the pain diminished, and I noticed I was able to move a little bit better each day.

The true test happened when I went away for the weekend and forgot my Advanced Joint Support.

That weekend, I could barely get out of bed—the pain was so bad.

Once I got home, I went right back on it and have felt like myself again.

And this is why I want to do something for you to take all your anxiousness away.

Try It For FREE:  No Strings Attached And No Monthly Autoship

I’m so confident that Advanced Joint Support will help your joints feel better and with less discomfort starting in as little as 7 days ---  I’ve made special arrangements with our fulfillment company to set aside 250 bottles to be used for a FREE 30-day trial supply at no charge. 

There is no catch and no autoship behind it.  I just ask that you cover the small shipping and handling fee. 

This way you can try Advanced Joint Support for yourself—put it to the test on your achy joints with no strings attached.  You will not be billed 30 days from now for the next month’s supply or anything like that

Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 

Plus, A FREE Joint Relief Report!

I also want to send you my Insiders Guide To Joint Relief.  It is a $25 value for FREE when you agree to try Advanced Joint Support with this special offer. 

You’ll find which 10 Anti-Inflammatory foods you should be eating to lower your joint inflammation as well as tips and strategies to stop the joint pain that is wreaking havoc on your life. 

All you have to do is click the Button below to have your risk-free bottle of Advanced Joint Support sent to your home. 

Due to the recent exposure of this breakthrough formula, we can’t guarantee the 250 bottles will be around for long.  Once these 250 bottles are gone those who missed out on this unique risk-free offer will have to pay normal price.



The handling fee for orders inside of the U.S. is $7.95.  Limit 1 bottle per customer.  Unfortunately, this offer is only available to residents of US at this time.




Frequently Asked Questions: 

Q:  What other ingredients are in bottle?

A:  Here is the label for Advanced Joint Support so you can see exactly what you are consuming. 

Q:  What other fillers or non-active ingredients are in the formula? 

A:  There is no extra fluff or non-active ingredients in the formula.  As you can see on the label we only used active joint relieving ingredients.  


Q:  Will I be billed monthly for this risk-free trial?

A:  No, you will not be billed monthly for this risk-free trial.  All you are paying for is the shipping and handling and then when you are finished with your first 30 days and you noticed the reduced joint pain you are welcome to come back and purchase your next 30 day supply.  We will not be automatically sending you the next 30 day supply or billing you.  This is truly a non-autoship risk-free trial.  You get to decide if you order your next 30 day supply.