Hey, It's Isabel With That Bonus I Promised You


I am a big fan and a big proponent of taking a fish oil (Omega-3) supplement each and every day. The benefits of a high quality fish oil are endless (as I’ve written about in the FATS chapter of your Program’s Manual) and really should be a part of anyone’s nutrition plan…women, men, children…everyone.  


Omega-3 fats help you burn fat by helping your body respond better to a hormone called Leptin. Leptin tells your body (your brain) to suppress your appetite making you eat less so you can maintain or lose weight. Leptin also increases your metabolism by increasing your thyroid output and causes your body to burn fat for energy. A better response to Leptin will decrease your hunger and increase your burning metabolism. Omega 3′s also help control hunger by stabilizing your blood sugar levels. Less hungry equals portion control equals increased fat loss.  


You can easily increase your intake of Omega 3′s on a daily basis by eating several servings a week of wild salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, flaxseeds, pecans, walnuts, hazelnut, butternut, mackerel, and anchovies (I love anchovies!)  


If you find yourself unable to get these foods in on a regular basis, you can easily get in your daily Omega 3 intake by taking a high quality Fish Oil supplement. Before you do though, this informational report that I have arranged as a FREE bonus for you will explain all the benefits and pitfalls of the Fish Oil Supplements out on the market today.

Inside you'll discover stunning research including:

  • How some fish oils may be elevating levels of oxidative stress in your body and increasing your risk for advanced aging and disease!
  • A fish oil related neurotoxin which can cause irreversible brain damage
  • The disturbing truth about the fish finding their way into YOUR supplements (we bet you didn’t realize this)
  • How to detect and avoid rancid fish oil containing incredibly dangerous lipid peroxides
  • The mega-powerful carotenoid found in the best sources of essential fatty acids – but probably not YOUR bottle of fish oil!
  • The real environmental impact fish harvesting is having on eco-systems
And much, much more.


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