The Top Fat Loss Hacks You Should Know About (and apply today)

...these 5 tips could make the difference to keeping your bulging belly--or shedding it in record time.


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES-Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

Look, fat loss isn’t just about a numbers game…

It should be more about finding the right plan for you that helps you succeed in your goals.

However, most people don’t understand this simple fact, and spend thousands of dollars each year on expensive gadgets, magic potions, or dangerous diet plans…

With one goal in mind: To lose that stubborn belly fat.

Well, today we want to share with you FIVE things you probably didn’t know about fat loss – but you should!

1. FAD Diets DON’T Work

If you’re like most people, then you’ve probably tried a fad diet or two.  Examples could be Paleo (the newest one out there), Zone, or other diets.

The simple fact though: They may not work for you!  Why?

In the short term, you may lose a bunch of weight, usually through caloric restriction and avoidance of certain foods (sweets, potatoes, etc.).

But once you have reached your target weight – or you get bored with the program – you resort back to what’s comfortable – and that is usually eating poorly or eating too much.

And because your body was used to lower calories, this sudden influx of calories could lead to fat gain.

In fact, most people who go off of fad diets may gain all their weight back – and then some!

The best advice: Eat the right diet – one loaded with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and plenty of fiber, and watch your caloric intake.  This could lead to better fat loss results, plus, an overall better approach to “dieting.”

2. Fat Is Not About “Storing” Energy Anymore

Fat cells were once thought of as storage pouches for leftover calories and nutrients from food.

But flash-forward about 20 years and now we know differently.

Not only do fat cells store excess energy for later use, they also release powerful hormones – namely Adiponectin, Leptin, and Ghrelin – which regulate your body’s energy intake.

Without these powerful hormones – called adipokines – it would be a lot harder to burn fat and keep a healthy weight.

3. And Speaking Of Fat, You Have Many Different Kinds

The only type of fat that you’re probably worried about, is the type of fat that you can see – or the fat covering your hips, butt, and especially your belly.

However, there are a few other types that you should also be concerned about.

First up is visceral fat.  This type of fat lies deep in your body and could cause a number of different diseases.

It increases inflammation, increases your risk for diabetes, and heart disease.

And the heavier or more overweight you are, there is a much higher likelihood that you have some of this type of fat on your body.

The next one is brown fat.   Now, as adults, we don’t have a ton of brown fat on our bodies.  But, we do have some!

Brown fat is loaded with mitochondria, and is activated during times of cold (think shivering).  This type of fat uses fatty acids to produce energy, in this case, heat.

4. Strength Training is GOOD For Fat Loss

How many times have you heard someone say they didn’t want to lift weight because they didn’t want to get too “bulky?”

This is a common myth and one that could be limiting your fat loss.

You see, the more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you may be able to burn at rest.

And the more calories you burn, the better your fat loss will be.

So how can you add more muscle?  By including strength training!

Placing a stress on your body by lifting heavier weights, could stimulate your body to add more lean muscle mass to your frame.

And this could eventually lead to more calories burned and less body fat on your body.

Strength training is a win-win for those looking to lose tons of fat.

5. Standard Cardio Might Be Making You Fat

Now, we are not saying that taking a walk every day, or hopping on the treadmill is bad, but it may not be helping your fat loss if it’s the only activity that you’re doing.

You see, cardio burns calories WHILE you’re doing the exercise, but if you’re not changing the intensity, then you’re not going to burn any more calories AFTER the workout is over.

And if this is all you’re doing for exercise (and not including strength training), then you may see a loss of muscle mass, which could slow your metabolism.

What should you be doing?  Altering the intensity of the workouts and include strength training exercise.

Adding intensity to the exercise could spare your muscle mass, burn more calories during, and more importantly, after the workout is over!

This one key could torch your stubborn belly fat in no time at all!

Start Burning Belly Fat Today!

If you want to burn fat this summer, then you need to include some of the five tips from above.

You should be exercising – and that includes doing strength training.

You should be eating right – fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and fiber-rich foods – and not focusing so much on the use of fad diets.

If you include these rules, plus keep the five tips above in mind, then you may speed up your fat loss and look leaner, trimmer, and more toned than ever before!

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About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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