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Four Foods That SHRINK Your Belly

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

There are many good foods out there that might increase your fat loss.

But there are also many “healthy” foods – designed to help you lose weight – that may not really add much to your overall fat loss.

For example, diet soda is one drink that many people use when trying to lose weight while satisfying their craving for soda or pop.  But come to find out, diet soda contains very little nutrition to help you lose weight; plus, it may actually CAUSE fat gain.

Four Foods for Better Fat Loss

Food, as you know, is something you can’t live without, or at least for prolonged periods of time.

It is something that provides your body with the right nutrients for maintaining optimal health, plus adds in much needed fat loss.

The problem, though, is the everyday individual’s ability to decipher what foods are good and what foods are bad for their health and fat loss.

Most people understand that cakes, doughnuts, and fried foods are detrimental to your health and encourage fat gain.

But then the waters get a little muddy, because not everyone understands that sugar, or refined and processed products – no matter if they are deemed healthy or not – may only be adding to your waistline and not taking away from it.

One of the best ways to encourage greater fat loss is to eat whole food (as close to their natural source as possible) like fresh fruit and vegetables, free range poultry and meat, and wild caught fish (stay away from farmed sources).

This should encourage better health, plus help you shed a pound or two.

Here are FOUR great food sources that may help you shed the excess belly fat and leave a lean, toned body in its place.

1. Eggs

For years, eggs have gotten a bad reputation for poor health, due to the cholesterol found in the yolk.

But, as research continues to grow, eggs are found to be extremely healthy for you and may provide nutrients that improve blood pressure and even burn fat.

One reason eggs are so great is the high-quality protein they contain.  This protein contains all the amino acids you need, plus are essentially fat-free.

It has been shown that people who eat eggs in the morning may lose TWICE the amount of weight as people who are carb heavy at breakfast time.

2. Apples

Besides being low in fat and calories, apples have a hidden fat loss weapon contained in their skin.

Apples contain loads of fiber and water, which may slow the digestion of other food particles found in your stomach.

Plus, they contain pectin (a nutrient found in the skin), which may prevent some fat from being absorbed by your body.

For your health, eat one – or more – apples per day combined with a high-quality protein source to leave you satisfied and constantly burning fat.

3. Cinnamon

Not a food per se, but cinnamon should be on the list of fat burning ingredients.

This spice – commonly used in teas and on top of oatmeal – has been used by diabetics for years to control blood sugar.

Why is this important?  Maintaining proper blood sugar also controls the amount of insulin your body produces and releases.

Insulin not only shuttles excess blood sugar into your working cells, but also takes the left over sugar and stores it as F-A-T.

Incorporate more of this helpful spice into your morning oatmeal or as a topper to your protein shakes.

4. Almond Butter

Everyone understands that almonds, in general, are a great source of protein and essential fats.

And this is one reason why almond butter makes the grade.

This makes burning fat and maintaining optimal health a cinch.

Start Burning MORE Fat Today

There is a LOT of information out there on how to lose weight, the right foods to lose weight, etc.

Still, even with all the advice, many people don’t follow it and get frustrated with their lack of weight and fat loss.

But, if you follow the same rules (proper diet, exercise, and avoidance of bad foods), then you may lose more weight and look and feel amazing.

If you include some – or all – of these foods, then you may experience greater fat loss and better results.

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