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These Three Foods FLUSH Out Stubborn Belly Fat


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Look, there are times when you just don’t feel at your best.

You may look in the mirror, and instead of seeing the confident, powerful person you are, you see roll after roll of belly fat.

It seems like it’s a never ending battle – and one that you don’t ever see yourself winning at.

What’s the solution?

Fire Up Your Metabolism

No matter what YOU personally think about your body, you have got to understand one thing…

It’s a pretty amazing machine!

I mean, think about it, your body has a way to tell other cells to become “fat” cells, when they are just too full to take on any more fat.

And this leads us to another point: If you have extra fat that you just can’t seem to shake, crunch, or sweat off, then chances are you’re doing something wrong.

Unless, of course, you have some type of disease that makes it harder to lose weight, the simple fact is, you may be tanking your own fat loss – and not even know it.

For example, did you put sugar and cream in your coffee?  Or did you have one more piece of chocolate that you swore you weren’t going to have?

These are all things that may contribute to your inability to lose fat.

But, luckily for you, we have a short list of the RIGHT foods – some you can overindulge in – that could keep your metabolism firing – while melting stubborn fat from your body.

Here’s the list…

1. Egg Whites

One of the highest quality proteins around, eggs whites should be part of everyone’s breakfast.

This high quality protein is full of the branched-chain amino acids that provide your muscles with the building blocks they need to stay strong and healthy.

Plus, egg whites may be a great source of Vitamin D, which studies show does a number of beneficial functions in your body.

2. Broccoli

This small, green veggie is chock full of the nutrition you need to fuel your fat loss.

First off, broccoli is one of the veggies with the highest water content.  This means that not only does it fill you up, this veggie hydrates you as well – making it that much easier for your body to burn fat.

Plus, broccoli is chock full of fiber, which many studies suggest, fills you up and could prevent you from overeating at your meal or subsequent meals.

So load up your plate with broccoli if you want to burn your fat!

3. Cinnamon

Diabetics have known for years the power of cinnamon.

This popular spice has been used for years as an all-natural way to lower – and control – your blood sugar levels.

And the more in control of your blood sugar you are, the less likely you are to have crazy insulin spikes and drops, which could have devastating effects on your metabolism.

The fact is: The more insulin your body releases, may mean the more leftover sugar and nutrients are converted into fat.

Just adding a little bit of cinnamon to your breakfast yogurt or oatmeal, may go a long way in the battle of the bulge.

Time to Make A Change

If you’re struggling with your fat loss, it’s time for a change – in the right direction.

Time to ditch the high-calorie, nutrient-poor snack cakes and drinks and replace them with low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods that are sure to get your metabolism smoking again.

If you make these changes, start an exercise program, and get a little more sleep at night, you may be able to stoke your metabolism long after the fat melts away!

So what are you waiting for – exchange some of your favorite treats with any one of these three foods and enjoy a fat-blasting and speedier metabolism.

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