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The TOP Three Reasons You're Stuck In A Fat Loss Rut

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

You have been doing all the right things.  You have been going to the gym

You’ve been watching what you eat…

You’re drinking more water AND getting enough sleep…

But nothing seems to be working for you.  You’re stuck in a fat loss/workout/weight loss rut and don’t know what to do.

Luckily though, we have three ways to break out of your rut and get you back on your fat loss track.

Three Ways To Break Through

Now, there could be A LOT of reasons why you’re struggling to see results.

You may not be eating enough to fuel your body…

Or you may not have the RIGHT exercise plan in place.

Whatever the reason, being stuck in a rut can cause anyone to go crazy.

But what causes these ruts in the first place?

Well, these are some pretty common reasons:

Rut #1: You’re Short on Intensity

Are you a person that goes into the gym and does the SAME things every day?

Have you seen the results you want?  The answer is probably no!

The reason for this is because your body is too used to the exercises.   By changing your routine you can up the intensity, attack the body differently, and push yourself through the rut.

Now, it’s pretty simple to increase your intensity.  All you need to do is add in a few more sets, shorten your rest time, up your reps, or add in some new exercises.

This should increase your intensity and provide some positive benefits to your body composition.

Rut #2: You Have TOO MUCH Variety

If you’re a person who tends to jump from one program to the next - all because you don’t see immediate results – then you may be doing yourself a disservice.

You should choose a program; then stick with the program.

The problem people have is they want instant results.  And that won’t happen if you are constantly changing your routine, hoping for better results.

The bottom line: choose a program and stick with it for at least a month or longer.

Rut #3: You Have Forgotten the Basics

Do you often hop from one program to the next because of the hype of the latest, greatest fat-loss program?

Well if you are, then you, again, are putting yourself in a rut.

The basic exercises – squats, push-ups, and pull-ups, for example – are tried and proven exercises that can give you the results you’re looking for.

Instead of hopping on the latest infomercial exercise program, stick with what has worked for years – the basic movements.

Master these movements, change the repetitions, sets, and variations in order to push yourself through the hardest and longest ruts.

Master Your Fat Loss Results

There are thousands of people who have been – at one time or another - stuck in a fitness rut.

This simply means that your body may have gotten too accustomed to a program, causing your body to simply stop adapting.

Increasing your intensity, sticking with the basic movements, and sticking with a program are sure fire ways to explode to the next level and destroy any rut in your way.

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