Why Do Women CHEAT? (3 reasons why)
Guys, you’re in trouble.
Recent statistics show that women who cheat have SKYROCKETED!
The numbers show that 40 percent of most women will – or have already – cheated on their loved ones.
Now, most men think it has to do simply with SEX…
But they would be WRONG!
The reason why most women cheat has NOTHING to do with sex…
The Main Reason Why Women CHEAT
Most men think that their women will cheat due to their performance in the bedroom.
You know, not being able to fully satisfy your woman the way that she satisfies you.
But that may be the last thought that crosses your wife’s/ girlfriend’s, or significant other’s mind.
In fact, here the three things that may be causing your spouse to look to the comfort of another man:
1. Relationship Lacks Intimacy and Closeness
There are certain things that your wife or girlfriend looks for in a relationship.
And one of those things is a connection with you. Now, if you do NOT have this connection, there’s a good chance that your partner will seek this connection out…
…in another man!
Either your spouse is unhappy with her current situation, or she is feeling trapped and lonely, which could make her seek out and fulfill her loneliness with another partner.
And if you’re a one-and-done type of guy, and frequently roll over and start to snore immediately, then you may be missing the most important aspect of your sexual relationship.
Women love closeness…they love intimacy…and when this lacks in a relationship or they hear how special their girlfriend’s relationship is, they will start to feel like they are missing something…
…which could lead to an affair and a deeper connection with the person they are cheating with.
2. Animal Instincts
For most men who engage in an sexual tryst, they do so to meet a purely sexual craving that is left undone.
It’s part of their animal instinct.
But guess what? Women have this same type of instinct to!
In fact, recent studies show that women may, on a very primal level, rule you out of a relationship just by the way you look.
It’s a primal instinct that they have no control over! A women instinctively may be able to tell if you have enough testosterone to make a good partner.
And if they are already in a relationship, this instinct may kick in if the motion-in-the-ocean is just not cutting it for them.
Yes, they may look for a partner that is more masculine…has more testosterone…a better job…and is more successful than you are.
They may do this so they are protected and so they know that the partner they are with will be able to provide for their family long after they are gone.
3. Improved Self-Esteem
This goes back to the attention aspect that we spent time on in number one.
If your partner is not getting the attention from you that they deserve – and they are unhappy – then there they may be 2.6 times more likely to cheat on their spouse.
You see, woman may be more likely to suffer from confidence issues. But if they make positive changes – like weight loss, change of hair color, or a new job – their self-confidence may grow.
When they change their body by losing weight, for example, the attention they get from other men may make them feel special and send their confidence through the roof.
And this could lead to a higher likelihood that they may cheat.
Take Home Message
Most men believe that a woman will cheat because of how they perform in the bedroom.
The truth is: that may be the last thing on their minds!
Not to say that sex isn’t important, but lack of attention, poor self-esteem and confidence, and primal urge for a strong partner, may be the driving forces behind her cheating.
And although sex may not play a huge role, if you are only in it for you, don’t make your woman orgasm, or you don’t build that sense of intimacy AFTER the encounter, you may lose your spouse to a guy that understands more than you….
…and one that may be able to ROCK her in the bedroom – both mentally and physically – which could leave you grasping at straws!
Although we can’t help you with the later, we may be able to help you ROCK her world – over and over again!.
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