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Want A Flat Belly?  Avoid THESE 3 Foods

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer


We have spent countless hours warning you about the dangers of certain foods.

They may cause issues like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

But maybe those things aren't nearly as important as one thing:

A flat belly!

It seemed to us that we have been hitting on what we thought to be the important subjects, but it looks like we were wrong.

Why do we say this?

No matter where we go, we still see people eating—even overeating—these THREE foods.

They are nasty…


And very, very fattening.

Yes, I know the word “fat” is not in the ingredients.  But trust me, if you keep eating these three foods then your waistline is bound to explode.

No one wants that right?

So, before you write out your shopping list…or push that empty cart around looking to fill it up…

…take note and avoid adding these three foods to your shopping cart:

1. Refined Carbohydrates

I’ll admit that the battle on carbohydrates is pretty wild.

People all the time will tell you that this carb is not good for you, while that carb is.

It’s really hard to determine which carb will help you burn fat or if you should avoid them altogether.

In our opinion, it would be best to AVOID refined carbohydrates.  Items like white bread, cakes, doughnuts, bagels, and pastas may be loaded with sugar and nasty oils.

The sugar itself could cause a massive influx in blood sugar, which could lead to excess fat gain and eventually different diseases.

What to eat instead: Good carbs, like potatoes, quinoa, bran, barley, and rice are good carbs that could help your body shed excess belly fat.


You should only eat complex carbs (like the ones listed above) after a workout when your body is sensitive to insulin and can use these carbs for energy and less for fat storage.

2. Soda

Soda—even diet soda—may be two of the worst beverages for your health and fat loss.

Not only does soda contain a boatload of sugar, but the carbonation may cause bloating if you’re not careful.

Soda is by far one of the easiest ways to boost weight gain, so avoiding it would be in your best interest.

Think you’re doing yourself a favor drinking diet soda?

Think again!  Diet soda has also been linked to weight gain, increases in your blood sugar, and even a higher risk for diabetes.

What to Drink Instead: Water or Tea!

Water or tea has essentially no calories and may provide your body with important nutrients for improving health and burning fat (tea).

If you’re looking to quench your thirst, choose one of these options instead of the soda or diet soda.

3. Processed Meats

I can almost bet that you like a hot dog or a ballpark sausage at some point during the summer.

Each one may taste awfully good, but most processed meats are full of nasty fat and plenty of sodium.

The sodium itself will cause you to bloat and may even increase your blood pressure.

Plus, processed meats contain very little in the form of fiber, which means you may not be full after eating a sausage or a hot dog or some other processed meat.

What to Eat Instead: wild-caught fish, free-range poultry and eggs, and grass-fed lean red meats.

These are foods that are chock full of protein (satisfy your appetite), plus may have other fat burning nutrients in them (for
example, grass-fed beef may have more CLA than other cuts of meat).

Most people should consume a 6-ounce portion, but some people may require more.

Take Home Message

If you’re looking to reclaim the body you had when you were a teenager, then you need to adopt the following rules:

1. Exercise

2. Get enough sleep.

3. Avoid the THREE foods from above.

If you do these three things, then I can almost promise you that you’ll see changes in your body.

Avoiding these foods may help stabilize your blood sugar, build lean muscle mass, and help you burn excess flat to reveal your flat belly or rippling abs.