The 3 Ways You're Ruining Your Sex Life

I hate to break it to you…

But there’s a good chance that you may have some issues with your testosterone.

In fact, recent statistics show that ONE out of every FOUR men – over the age of 30 – may experience some decline in their testosterone levels.

Low testosterone may lead to a whole host of issues, but none as important as your sex life.

Having low testosterone may decrease your desire and interest in having sex…

May lead to erectile dysfunction…

It could also lead to a loss in libido!

Now, most men scour the internet looking for the best ways…the right foods…or some simple tricks to increase their libido and sex drive.

But before you assume that eating oysters…or rubbing some cream on your will fix your issues in the bedroom, there are some things you need to consider.

Absolute Sex Drive KILLERS

Many men may experience some sort of issue in the bedroom.

It could be the occasional loss of interest…

It could be the inability to get – or maintain – an erection…

Or it could be the loss of sexual interest you have in your partner.

Now, on the outside, many men will look for ways to boost their libido – either through diet and lifestyle changes.

Some will have great success…

…while others may not see any changes in their libido or sex drive.


Well, more than likely they have some of these conditions going on…

…and no matter what you do…how you eat…or what natural remedies you take…

Unless you fix these issues, you may never see a rebound in your sex drive.  And that could spell trouble for your relationship!

So, what are they?

1. Stress

Nothing beats down your sex life – and your erection – quite like stress!

Stress not only raises your blood pressure and heart rate, but it is also a killer to your sex life.

You see, stress produces cortisol, which may cause erectile dysfunction and a loss in libido.

And when you can’t perform at your best in the bedroom – your stress levels may go up, which further compounds the situation.

What can you do?

Try some deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, and exercise to relieve your stress.

This could significantly improve your life – inside and outside – of the bedroom.

2. Too Many Sleepless Nights

There are many around the world that may be sleep deprived.

And this could be contributing to the rises of overweight or obese adults, the reliance on energy drinks, and poor health.

However, for men, sleep loss has been linked to lower testosterone levels and a loss of sex drive.

But this may be an easy one to fix!

By setting a time to go to bed…avoiding electronic devices in your bedroom...and investing in light blocking shades may go a long way to a restful night sleep.

Oh, one more thing…

If you want to get a good night’s rest – have sex!

Sex has been shown to release potent hormones that could help you sleep better at night!  Plus, the extra sex may also kick start your sex drive – especially if you have sex frequently before you go to sleep.

3. You may be Depressed

Depression impacts the lives of many people.  Not only does it impact the person suffering from depression, but it impacts everyone around them as well.

And guess what? Depression may affect 10 to 20 percent of men, which could cause them to have issues in the bedroom.

Stress, depression, and anxiety may all be factors when it comes to erectile dysfunction, poor sexual performance, and feeling of inadequacy when trying to please your partner.

All these conditions may lead to a deeper slide in depression, which could lead to other health issues.

Take Home Message

Loss of sex drive could be a due to a number of different factors.

It could have to do with how your feel about the way you looks…

If you have low testosterone levels…

Or if you are suffering from depression!

No matter what the cause, it could impact all areas of your life – especially your sex life.

But, if you address these issues – like lowering your stress levels improving your feelings of depression or anxiety, and getting plenty of rest – you could give your sex life a dramatic boost.

But, wait…

If you really, REALLY want to boost your sex life and impress your partner…

Then you need to discover the secret to boosting your bedroom performance and sex drive.