Imagine this…
You out on the town, enjoying a drink (or two…or three…or more), when it happens:
The young, beautiful brunette from across the room gives you a wink, a flirty smile while sipping ever so seductively on her straw.
You make you way over to the other side and strike up a conversation that you’re hoping will turn into more by time the night is over.
Flash forward and you’re back at your place…drink in hand…enjoying the company of your new found friend.
Things start to progress at a much faster pace, and eventually you end up in the bedroom – where the magic is about to happen…
But all of a sudden (that’s what you tell her at least) you’re most prized possession just isn’t in the mood to work – or to stand at attention.
The magic fizzles and the night ends – all to suddenly – with no hope of fixing the issue before she leaves.
What happened? How did this night go so well, only to end in disappointment?
Well, it’s pretty simple really…
Liquid Sex Drive Killers
Everyone, by now, is well aware of the effects of alcohol on sex drive.
One drink may loosen you up, make you feel less inhibited, and give you the confidence to do things you normally wouldn’t do.
Two drinks makes you feel even better…
But what happens after two, three, four drinks? It could have short-term effects on your ability to make the magic happen in the bedroom.
Too much alcohol may make you feel sluggish, tired, and less romantic (who could be when you’re slurring you words and giving very wet, messy kisses).
What could be worse than that? Too much alcohol may reduce your testosterone levels…lead to erectile dysfunction…and make that once vibrant spark is not a dull glow in the bedroom.
But I have news for you…
Alcohol is not the only type of drink that may KILL your libido and make you less likely to have an rousing performance in the
Here are THREE other drinks that could have profound effects on your sex drive:
1. Diet Soda
Diet soda may cause your libido to sink faster than the Titanic.
You see, diet soda – which contains artificial sweeteners – may cause tooth decay, headaches, diabetes…you get the drift.
But here’s the big one: Diet soda may also cause a loss of libido – therefore quickly putting out your bedroom spark.
The easiest way to improve your libido and improve your sex life would be to limit – or cut out completely – your intake of diet soda.
2. Energy Drinks
From time to time, you may need a pick me up. So, many people resort to a shiny silver and blue can that contains a large amount of caffeine and sugar to give them that much needed boost.
The result: Poor sex drive and a reduce ability to get an erection.
Energy drinks have become a popular way to pick people up during the day. But here’s the problem and how it impacts your sex life:
Besides the enormous amount of sugar and caffeine, the can liner may contain a fair amount of BPA.
BPA – a chemical found in many plastics – may increase your estrogen levels and lower your testosterone levels.
This simple process – lower testosterone and higher estrogen levels – could reduce your sex drive, lead to erectile dysfunction, and could quickly put the brakes on your sex life.
3. Coffee
The very thing that beckons you out of your bed – coffee - could be destroying the magic that happens between the sheets.
You see, your cup of Joe may lead to influxes in your blood sugar. And this altered blood sugar state may lead to a disruption in your adrenal function – meaning too much cortisol and not enough DHEA.
And this could impact your testosterone production, which could lead to less desire and ability to make the magic happen in the bedroom.
AVOID These Drinks to Boost Your Libido
There are many different things that could ruin your libido and decrease your bedroom performance.
The one big one – alcohol – may lead to erectile dysfunction, lower testosterone, and a reduce ability to reach orgasm.
However, alcohol may not be the only culprit!
You see, energy drinks, coffee, and diet soda may also lead to lower testosterone and a reduction in your libido.
There is something you can do about it! You see, there are powerful herbs that may give your testosterone levels a boost…
…and this could improve your bedroom performance – over and over again!
So, if you really want to improve your sex drive – without creams or dangerous injections – then you really need to see this amazing discovery.
This secret will not be around for long! The fact is, this secret is so potent…so powerful…that we are being pressured to take it down and never show it again.
So, before it disappears forever, be sure you grab yours today:
The SECRET To Boundless Sexual Energy + The SECRET Recipe To Boosting Your Bedroom Performance