21 Day Body Reset
Most Cleanses . . . Aren’t Cleanses.
Cleansing has become very popular today. Almost every week we hear how toxic our environment is or how some celebrity attributes their great youthful looks to regular cleansing.
But this popularity in cleansing has also led to a great deal of misinformation that at best is a waste of time and money, and at worst could actually be harmful to your health.
That is why the Jaylab Pro Body Reset Challenge was created using scientific principles based on how the body actually works. Not some made-up pseudoscience.
Your body already knows how to cleanse itself. Every cell in the human body has been detoxifying harmful substances for millions of years. But today with our modern lifestyle, it needs support. And that is exactly what the Jaylab Pro Body Reset does - it supports your already existing detoxification pathways and makes them more efficient.
The Jaylab Pro Body Reset Reset Program is based on scientific principles, and more importantly . . . it works.
Why a Body Reset Program?
Consider the Body Reset Program as a “reboot” for your body. With the stresses of life it is easy to get off track. You start eating more, exercising less, grabbing for the occasional unhealthy food. Sometimes all we need is a few days to get us back on track, and a short 21-day body reset is just the thing.
There are many reasons why you should do a body reset. Here are just a handful...
• Reduce food cravings
• Jump start weight loss
• Improve nutrient and antioxidant status
• Support healthy digestion
• Gently encourage the removal of toxins
• And much more…
Again, the beauty of a body reset is that it's so easy to stick with (after all, it's just 21 days). We lay it all out for you, step-by-step. And you can find all the foods and ingredients in your local supermarket (in fact, you might already have most of them in your kitchen).
FULL SUPPORT: Even though this body reset was created to be easy to follow, having support is the missing link in most programs. And not only will you receive support from Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter directly, but hundreds of other Body Reset clients as well. The entire community will be here to support you and answer your questions. And that is included with the program.
This program will truly change your life and we can't wait until you dive into it. The system. The support. The community.
IMPORTANT: The price of this program is just $0. Please don't let the free price fool you into thinking it's not a good program. We know by offering it for free that it can fit into any budget - we'll be able to help thousands like you take control of your health by participating in an incredible body reset program.
For everyone who completes the entire 21-day program and meets the stipulations below, we are going to give you a $100 gift card to use towards any of our wonderful products.
So, let's give a quick recap:
There is no-risk for you to sign up, as you will pay nothing to participate.
The ENTIRE 21-day body reset challenge is FREE for you - and for anyone you would like to invite to do it with you.
If you want to quality for that $100 gift card from us, then there 3 things that you DO need to do in order to receive the $100 gift card for Jaylab Pro products.
1. Post your Daily WINS in the private group so that we can all hold each other accountable.
2. Complete the full 21-days and follow the plan.
That's it. *Side Note*
If you're looking for an advantage or are looking for better results, we have two products that could help. These products are LeptiSense and Ultra Cleanse.
Now, you don't NEED to buy any product to participate, but these two products--alone or together--may give you a push in the right direction.
In fact, ff you take both of these products, you will see even better results. If you already have a bottle of either of these that you are taking now, then feel free to ask us how you can maximize these products to your advantage. If you don't currently take Ultra Cleanse or LeptiSense, you can buy them by clicking either link below. They are formulated to accelerate the healing and cleansing of the Liver along with repairing our Master Fat Burning Hormone called Leptin.
Buy UltraCleanse here >>
Buy LeptiSense here >>
That's it!...
If you want to change your life, lose more weight, and start fresh this New Year, stick to these 2 EASY steps, and not only are you going to cleanse and reset your body, and if you are one of the top losers, you could receive your $100 gift card credit for more Jaylab Pro products. Click the "Get Instant Access Now" button to request access to the entire program, gain instant access to the private Jaylab Pro 21-Day Body Reset group, and start feeling healthier right away.
Just click the Join Group button when you are on the page. Once you gain access, all the steps to get started immediately will be right there.
(This is a digital downloaded program. You will be able to download the program once your registration is complete in the private 21-Day Body Reset Cleanse group.)