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Is Father Time STEALING Your Flat Belly? (2 ways to prevent it)

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Let’s cut to the chase.

We are all getting older.  And this may lead to some serious alterations in our bodies.

For instance, you may just not feel as strong, as energetic, or as virile as you did in your younger days.

Unfortunately, another harmful side effect of aging is loss of muscle tissue.

But is there a way to stop it?

Well, I am so glad you asked…

Muscle Loss and Aging

As each year passes, there’s a pretty good chance you’re losing your muscle tissue.

Now, you already know that aging is associated with loss of bone density and strength.  But did you know that aging is also linked to a loss of muscle size and strength?

It’s true!

Sarcopenia, which is the gradual decline in muscle size and strength, has started to receive more attention in research due to increased risk factors associated with it.

Loss of this vital tissue can create balance issues, which could lead to more falls and fractures of your bones.

And, it can slow your metabolism, therefore adding unwanted belly fat.

Is there anything that can stop it?

Yes, there is!

According to research, there are TWO ways to prevent loss of muscle tissue as you age.

First, it should be noted that loss of fast-twitch muscle fibers, transformation of proteins, and insulin resistance may all play a role in muscle tissue breakdown.

Now, the first way involves resistance training.  Resistance training – also called strength training – places a stress on your muscle tissue, therefore creating strength and preventing muscle breakdown.

However, this may not be enough.

In order to truly maintain your muscle mass, you need to be sure that you are eating plenty of protein.

Protein – which contains powerful amino acids – helps to repair and regenerate muscle tissue.

And, if you’re not taking in enough protein, then you may have a harder time retaining the lean mass you already have on your body.

What is recommended for older adults?

The result of this study showed that 1.0 to 1.3 grams per kilogram of body weight should be sufficient to prevent muscle tissue breakdown in older adults.

They also noted an inverse relationship between vitamin D status and muscle strength.  Meaning the higher your vitamin D the higher your strength may be.

From their work, they concluded:
“An adequate nutritional intake and an optimal dietary acid-base balance are important elements of any strategy to preserve muscle mass and strength during aging.”
More Protein = Less Muscle Loss

Aging is associated with loss of muscle fiber and strength, commonly known as sarcopenia.

Although more research is coming out, nutrients such as protein and omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to slow muscle tissue breakdown.

And, exercise has also been linked to improvements in muscle size, strength, and a reduced risk for muscle tissue loss.

If you want to keep your muscle tissue as you age, then performing strength training and maintaining adequate dietary protein are two good ways to ensure this happens.



Mithal A, Bonjour JP, Boonen S, Burckhardy P, Degens H, El Haji Fuleihhan G, Josse R, Lips P, Morales Toerres J, Rizolli R, Yoshimura N, Wahl DA, Copper C, Dawson-Hughes D, IOF, CSA Nutrition Working Group.  Impact of nutrition on muscle mass, strength, and performance in older adults.  Osteoporos Int.  2012 May ;24(5):1555-66.  Doi: 10.1007/s00198-0112-2236-y.