Hi! My name is Ryan and this is the story of my healthy heart.
How did I go from being a middle-aged guy who was overweight, tired all the time, sexually on the fritz, and too darn tried to even play with my kids…
To a guy with a healthy heart and the energy and body to match?
So, what put me on the path to this new and improved me?
Believe it or not it all started around a fishing trip, some spilled coffee, and one little tip that takes me about 10 seconds to do twice a day.
I’ll tell you that story in just a second.
Is your energy and vitality as off-the-charts high as you’d like it to be?...
Or do you find yourself dragging, hard to get out of bed, not sleeping soundly, desperately needing that afternoon nap, and feeling completely zapped by the end of the day?
Not to get to personal but, how’s your sex drive?
Do you perform up to your standards, or are you simply too pooped to function?
Lastly, how is your heart?
That is how powerful true heart health can be.
Unfortunately, we’ve all be sold a bag of lies by some pretty greedy folks who work for multi-billion dollar advertising agencies and pharmaceutical companies that have their hands in the pockets of many doctors.
And those hands are not taking money from the doctors; they are giving money to these doctors to push the latest health drugs on an unsuspecting public.
And while some people need some of these medications, for sure most people will never be truly heart healthy and have all the awesome life experiences I’ve been sharing with you simply because they, and maybe even you, are a lot like me.
You refuse to permanently change your eating habits.
Let’s be honest, and it’s okay, I had the same exact feelings towards changing my diet as you probably do…
It’s 100% NORMAL to feel uneasy, and even uncomfortable, when it comes to thinking about a lifetime of eating nothing but so-called “boring health foods.”
The good news is that I never had to…
Now, I eat better – but it’s because my body wants to eat healthier food.
This is the secret no one who sells diet products (and I don’t) will ever tell you.
Your body is programed to crave unhealthy fats when you are missing two critical forms of fat from your diet…
And almost everyone reading this report today, including you, is practically certain to fit that description…
..you are not taking in nearly enough of these two critical forms of fat, because it would be next to impossible to eat that much food…
I’ll tell you in a moment – it’s that 10-second ritual I mentioned.
Do that and your body will begin to crave the foods your heart needs to be healthy.
But please, for your own good: do not try and change anything for now…
..just feed your body these two critical fats then let your body change itself.
It can, once you supply it with what it’s missing...
And listen:
Because again, you probably are not living on a diet of 4,000 calories worth of fresh fish every day…
Who can do that?
No one I know, that’s for sure…
His name?
Jayson Hunter.
Here’s what’s really unique about Jayson…
He’s not a doctor, even though he lectures doctors on heart health…
And he’s not a scientist, although he manages a team of the best heart-health scientists on the planet…
Jayson Hunter's expertise and wisdom in the areas of increasing energy, sustained weight loss, increased drive, and incredible heart health came from his near-relentless pursuit of the truth...
You see:
Now this isn't your typical massive heart attack and he passed away in minutes. Quite the opposite actually.
Jayson watched him slowly die for about 6 hours all while they were at a Christmas Holiday party having a great time celebrating with friends.
His neighbor was the one hosting the party and even though he didn't feel well (WARNING SIGN #1) he wanted to make sure everyone had a great time.
He had a bit of a cold early in the week and by the day of the party his chest was tight (WARNING SIGN #2) and it was more difficult for him to breath (WARNING SIGN #3). He thought maybe he was getting pneumonia since he had a cold earlier in the week.
He tried to continue hosting and making sure everyone was having a great time. At one point during the party someone suggested that he should go to Urgent Care and get checked out. His response was "I will go in the morning. I don't want to leave my own party and not make sure you have a great time. This is the holidays after all. We should be having fun."
When Jayson left the party at around 1am his friend was sitting at the kitchen table talking about how he should just go to bed, but probably won't be able to sleep. Jayson was concerned, but Tom was a stubborn man so there was no talking him into going to the emergency room at that time of the night.
So he left and the next morning had to get up to take his daughter to get her flu shot. While they were pulling out of their neighborhood they passed an ambulance with its lights on. His young daughter asked why they had their lights on. Jayson told her it was probably because someone was injured or have a medical emergency.
Little did he know it was his neighbor who he just left 8 hours earlier that was the medical emergency.
30 minutes later he got a call from his wife asking if their friend had drank a lot at the party. Jayson said no, he didn't drink at all because he wasn't feeling well. Why???
Because he is DEAD.... were his wife's exact words.
Jayson started crying right then and there while driving down the road because all of the sudden he had flashbacks of his friends symptoms and realized that Tom was having a heart attack the entire time the party was going on and Jayson didn't catch on to the symptoms. They all watched him slowly die from a heart attack while they were celebrating and having fun.
To make things worse you could hear his wife and daughter screaming and crying from inside the house as they came to the realization that they just lost the man they loved with all their heart.
Hearing Jayson re-live and tell this story you can see in his face that he still gets emotional about it, because if he had only paid a little more attention to the symptoms his friend was having he could have alerted him to the possibility that he was having a heart attack and that he needed to get checked out immediately.
Jayson never forgot that night...
He had always grew up intensely interested in pursuing the TRUTH about health, especially heart health…
That memory has haunted Jayson for years and it has strengthened his pursuit, studying all he could to get his hands on concerning natural health…
There is a direct connection between two critical forms of fat and having a healthy heart...
And no cholesterol pill, high blood pressure medication, or blood sugar shot will give you these two forms of fat…
Sure, some people may need these medications, and that is something you must discuss with your doctor (although a lot of people do not need them, and that’s a huge waste of money…)
However, unless you protect your heart, you cannot “medicate” your heart to thriving health…
Feed it what it needs, and it will become stronger… and your body will naturally begin to crave the foods you really need to have the body, energy, sex drive, and vitality you deserve.
Now that I’ve told you Jayson’s story...
You know what? I love to fish.
I have ever since my grandfather took me fishing when I was just seven years old. I’ve been hooked, if you’ll pardon the pun, ever since…
About six months ago, I went on a chartered fishing trip with my wife…
And as fate would have it, Jayson Hunter was on that boat as well…
I remember thinking, “Wow, that guy looks amazingly healthy and vibrant.”
I mentioned it to my wife as I sucked my own gut in to feel better about myself, and she said, “Yeah, he does honey, but he’s probably 10 years younger than you…”
When I found out that Jayson was older than I was, I have to admit…
And how I let myself go the past 2… oh, let’s be honest… the past 15 years or so…
But I also felt inspired…
Inspired enough to get the man a cup of coffee and ask him what his secret was…
The boat was moving along fairly well at this point, so I had to do a balancing act with the coffee…
And, what happened?
He was wearing a jacket, so he didn’t get burned… and he laughed out loud about it!
He was a great sport…
“Jayson, I’m so sorry! I was wanting to earn your favor and pick your brain about health, as you are obviously a heck of a healthy guy… now you probably want to kill me!”
“No Ryan, I don’t want to kill you…in fact, if you’ll allow me…I’d like to save your life.”
I took a few steps back, and took a deep breath…
You see, I knew what Jayson was trying to tell me…
My gut was hanging over my belt, visible to all, even with my fishing jacket zipped up…
My skin was pale and lifeless …
My face was puffy, as if I was just stung by some bee with a personal vendetta…
My breath never smelled “fresh” – I know, that’s embarrassing, but I had no idea that this was related to poor health until Jayson pointed it out…
And I had to sit down off and on during the entire trip, just to save my energy and catch my breath…
Jayson noticed all of this before we even picked up our rods to battle the big fish…
Jayson, I think I know what you’re going to say… I know I haven’t been taking care of myself, but I’m just so busy with work, the kids, and …”
“Stop right there, Ryan. NONE of us are too busy to live.”
Wow, I felt those words to right through me …
How do they strike you?
Are you too busy to live?
Jayson continued…
“Besides, my first tip is always the same. It takes about 10 seconds twice a day to do, and it’s the first and most important step I’ve personally discovered to restore your health and vitality…
… and even increase it beyond anything you’ve ever experienced…”
10 seconds twice a day? Really?
“Hey, I think I can do that!” I thought to myself…
Then I laughed a bit, realizing how silly such a small commitment really is!
Of course I can do that… and so can anyone…
By this time, Jayson had hooked his first of many fish… He pulled the huge tuna into a net, held it up before he tossed it back into the sea, and said, “This is the secret.”
“Tuna?” I was a bit puzzled!
“No Ryan… two specific forms of fat that are found in freshly-caught fish, but in megadoses in only one species…”
“It’s not tuna, just in case you’re wondering…”
As Jayson kissed the fish, a fisherman’s tradition, and realized it back into its home waters.
“What kind of fish is it, and what are these two fats?”
Now he had my full attention…
I had heard about krill in the news, but I didn’t think much of it…
Just in case you don’t know, krill are technically crustaceans…
Crustaceans are funky little critters that have their skeleton on the outside of their body
– how weird, right?
So, while they make for lousy eating, their oil makes for an amazing heart.
Jayson continued:
“Now, you see Ryan, due to the biological structure of krill, and the waters in which they are found, they produce the most bio-available form of these two kinds of fats you can find…
“These fats are called EPA and DHA.”
“And trust me – you don’t want to know what they stand for, as you’d never be able to pronounce the scientific names…
…but you definitely want them in your body ASAP… and in the right amounts.”
Jayson went on to tell me about EPA and DHA, and why krill is completely different than fish oil, that also contains these two fatty acids, but in less concentration…
You’ll want to take some notes, because what I’m about to share with you can change your life in amazing ways...
And I promise not to get too technical or boring…
… just the important stuff you need to know today, right now, so I can help YOU on the path to abundant hearth health…
These two fatty acids can create massive health improvements in your body…
One of the first long-term studies on EPA and DHA revealed that they increased the beneficial anti-inflammatory effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs, called statins, by a whopping 40 percent.
… so naturally, the FDA began to take notice… after all, heart disease is the number one killer …
EPA and DHA, in the right combination and dose, have been shown to…
Lower blood glucose, which helps prevent Type 2 Diabetes and other conditions related to elevated blood sugar…
This not only helps your body heal, it restores your daytime energy levels so you can stop craving those afternoon post-lunch naps…
Increase fat burning and fatty acid metabolism. This can mean less blubber around your waistline, hips, thighs, butt, and face…and who doesn’t want that?
Cause a dramatic improvement in heart health, function, and blood flow. This alone can reduce the risk of stroke, improve circulation, and make you feel like a million bucks in the process.
Helps stabilize blood pressure....
They call blood pressure “the silent killer’ for a reason, but let me tell you – when my blood pressure dropped, I FELT the difference. I had more energy, fewer headaches, and deeper sleep!
Also helped by the right combination and dose of DHA and EPA:
Alleviate the blues. So many good people are forced to take pills to help them even cope with the stress of today’s modern world.
But right here all along, right in our own oceans there’s a natural solution that has no side effects at all.
And so much more.
Just like anything else, there are far more cheap, knock-off versions of EPA and DHA on the market than there are REAL, high-quality versions…
One of the versions that contains these two fatty acids you have probably heard about already – fish oil...
Now, fish oil is not bad… however it tends to go rancid very, very quickly…
That means unless you get it from a source you KNOW has been refrigerated right up until the day you buy it, you’ll be putting rancid oil into your body…not good…
Also, fish oil contains less DPA and DHA than krill oil…and in different ratios…
Why is this important?
Simple – you want the fastest results possible, and you want to make sure you SEE these results right off the bat…
Just this year, researchers released their findings, comparing the EPA and DHA found in krill oil with the EPA and DHA found in fish oil…
And the results?...
Krill oil resulted in fewer heart attacks, lowered blood fat called ‘triglycerides’ far more efficiently, plus lowered blood pressure and blood sugar more than fish oil!
These studies confirm what Jayson Hunter has known for years…
When it comes to having your OWN healthy heart, and all the perks it brings to your life, nothing beats krill oil!
One more thing I need to warn you about involves your love life… and your social life…
It’s called ‘fish oil burps.”
You see, virtually everyone who uses fish oil “burps’ up a strong nasty fish taste that last for hours after taking it.
Trust me, I’ve tried it…and my wife refused to kiss me! You don’t want fish breath… no one does.
Yet, krill oil never causes fishy breath…
Again, this is due to the chemical structure of pure brands of krill oil…
This ALONE would make krill superior choice…
… but when you put all the research on top of it all, krill is obviously your champion…
Jayson pops a few krill oil pills in his mouth at breakfast and at dinner…
10 seconds tops… and you’re done.
I do the same thing. And here’s what I experienced.
The first two weeks, my energy increased pretty dramatically.
I didn’t change anything else – no exercise, no dietary changes, nothing… just Jayson’s krill oil…
Now, granted, Jayson’s company makes some of the best krill oil on the planet... as you would expect… so perhaps it was just the awesome quality…
Whatever it was, I felt the difference like crazy by week three…
… and then I began noticing something very weird…
I noticed that I found myself craving less fatty foods…
It wasn’t that I said to myself, “Ryan, you’ll never eat pizza again!” I would never say that! I love pizza too much…
But instead of craving pizza 4-5 days a week, I noticed that I wasn’t craving it at all…
When we did eat pizza (and we still do), my family, who are ALL on Jayson’s krill formulation, simply ate less because we didn’t want to eat more…
It’s just science, really. You see, EPA and DHA are practically non-existent in your diet…
You can’t eat enough fish to give you what four small caps of krill oil can give you, and even if you could, it wouldn’t be the same purity or concentration…
Back before ranchers started feeding cattle grain and caging chickens, and giving animals hormones…
…and raising fish in a literal barrel, this wasn’t really a problem…
EPA and DHA are called omega 3 fatty acids. Your body needs a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids…
Omega 6 fatty acids are found mostly in the foods I just discussed: the meats, chicken, and even fish you buy at the store…eggs and dairy, too…
However, thanks to all the hormones, and the grains fed to cows (cows are supposed to eat grass, not grain!)… and caged chickens…
…well, here’s what has happened…
Your Omega 3 to 6 ratio is about 1 to 30!
That’s right… 15-30 times worse than it should be and listen:
That is what caused Jayson’s father to suffer a heart attack.
In fact, that’s what I think is causing most all heart disease!...
And the only way I’ve found to do it is by using a simple-to-take krill oil supplement every day…
The benefits are far more than your health:
These fatty acids cut your fat cravings in half, or more…
They help manage your blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and increase your energy…
They even elevate your mood, and that can make you feel happier, and more consistently joyous…
So, let me finish, and then I’ll share Jaysons’s personal Formula with you…
You can only get it here, on this page, because Jayson refuses to sell it to supplement stores…
Because they will jack the price on you, for starters, and he insists that everyone be able to afford good health…
Second, by the time you get it, it may have sat on the shelf for weeks, even months…
Jayson’s company ships directly from their FDA-inspected store facilities right to your door, so you can be 100 percent assured that the potency is right on the mark…
Anyway, back to what you can expect…
After four weeks, my waistline was shrinking by the day and remember, I wasn’t trying to diet at all…
Krill oil is NOT a diet pill- it does nothing to your central nervous system, like dangerous diet supplements do…
Krill simply feeds your body what it needs so it stops craving what it doesn’t…
Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?
Within six weeks, I was a new man…
Of course, the fact that Karen was looking and feeling so incredible didn’t hurt matters, to be honest…
But it’s true…we’ve never had a better time together as lovers or friends…
This is about the time my energy took off…
No more Sleepy Head Syndrome – you know, when you feel like you slept an hour when you really slept for seven?
No more craving naps in the middle of the afternoon, either…
Finally, there’s my doctor…She could not believe the results in my blood work…
My blood fat (called triglycerides) that can lead directly to a heart attack were cut in half…
My blood sugar was normal for the first time in years…My HDL2, the most protective form of the “good” cholesterol DHL increased by six points…
My small particle LDL, the really nasty cholesterol, dropped like a rock…
And my blood pressure dropped to nearly normal (it took another few months for that to go to totally normal)…
Now, I’m a FIRM believer in working with my doctor to help ensure my health, so I’m asking that you do the same…
But no doctor in their right mind would tell you NOT to increase your intake of DHA and EPA… that’s how powerful these fatty acids are…
>Jayson Hunter’s Jaylab Pro Omega Icon.
Jaylab Pro Nutrition guarantees you the highest quality of potency of EPA and DHA without…
Needless fillers, or fancy super-supplements that do nothing but increase your cost…
Ever worrying about freshness, toxicity, or rancidity…
Having to change your diet or exercise routine by force of willpower – let your body start craving better food and more activity…
Having to spend a fortune to achieve the health and vitality you desire and deserve!...
Now, I won’t lie to you…
A heart-protective super-food like Omega Icon is normally not a cheap investment...
After all, how much is your health, your energy, maintaining a healthy weight, improving blood sugar levels and blood pressure, and increasing your daily mood worth to you?
Can you even PUT a price on something this valuable?
As I’ve already explained, Jayson Hunter's Omega Icon formulation isn’t even found in stores…
And that’s for the sole reason of giving you the absolute finest in nutrient purity…
After all, it’s your heart on the line here… let’s be clear about that…
This is why Omega Icon retails from our online store for $67 per bottle, which will last you, on average, 4 weeks…
However, that price is not for you…
You’ve just proven that you take your heart health and healthy lifestyle as seriously as I take mine, and Jayson takes his…
That’s why, for the first few hundred orders only, Jayson is willing to slash the price of your single bottle order of Omega Icon…
Good for today only… and only valid if you purchase from the secure order form below…
For a whopping 26% discount!
You’ll be charged only $49.95 for a bottle of Omega Icon!
…documented by dozens upon dozens of clinical, peer-reviewed studies, and attested to by literally thousands of satisfied customers…
And, pick up the one trusted source of the absolute highest grade of Krill Oil available…
…packed to the brim with fresh-from-the-sea EPA and DHA “miracle fats,” and sourced from the purest waters on earth…
There’s simply no comparison when it comes to EPA and DHA quality, potency, purity, and value…period.
Just to be clear: we’re talking about $1.66 per day…
$1.66 is far less than you’d spend buying a cup of coffee…
A fraction of what you’ll spend on lunch today…
And a fraction of the fraction of the FRACTION of the costs you will potentially save by averting some of the most common lifestyle health conditions that affect almost half of all our citizens…
When you think of it like that, your $49.95 investment in your peace of mind and health is an absolute no-brainer decision…
Then, when you top that off with Jayson Hunter’s ‘Triple’ Money Back Guarantee’ that you’ll hear about in just a moment…
Along with the fact that Jayson simply cannot extend this price to just anyone, due to the sheer amount of the discount being offered, and the limited supply of high-potency Omega Icon currently in stock…
Your decision is already made for you...so welcome to the Jaylab Pro family!...
Just click the link now, then click on the button next to the option that’s ideally suited for you…
Then fill out your information.
Then click the big orange button to complete your order.
Yet, Jayson still isn’t finished adding value to your life today:
For those of you who act NOW and become a Preferred Customer, Jayson is going to include...
And let me be straight with you…
These two bonuses, worth $37 each if you bought them from our retail store, are actually worth FAR MORE than you can imagine…
And keep you and your loved ones from suffering unnecessary pain…
The first free gift immediately after you place your order and reserve your preferred customer access is called, ‘The 15 Most Dangerous “Healthy” Foods You’ve Been Tricked Into Eating!’
I was absolutely shocked when I discovered that I was eating virtually ALL of these so-called “heart healthy” foods…
And thinking I was doing myself, my wife, and sadly, my children, a favor for feeding them these foods…
But nothing could be further from the truth…
Plus, once I replaced these foods with the true heart-health foods recommended in this free report, my weight dropped like a rock…
My energy became nearly boundless…
My sleep was enhanced; it was deeper, and I even had more interesting lucid dreams…
And my love life took a turn for the better…
All thanks to removing these “health” foods, in favor of TRUE heart-healthy alternatives that actually taste a ton better!
For example, I was choking down fake butter alternatives, when all along I should have been eating real butter…
That’s just ONE of the 15 foods you’ll discover you SHOULD be eating… and believe me, real butter tastes a LOT better than fake margarine!
It’s called “The 5 Blood Tests That Can Save Your Heart That Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About!”
Listen… doctors are great, but they’re people just like you and me…
And they don’t spend their off-hours pouring over research papers like Jayson does…at least most of them…
Most of them play golf, and try to escape the insanity of the medical world…
So it’s only reasonable that your doctor probably doesn’t even know about these five tests…
One of these tests was just developed by the Cleveland Clinic, the absolute best heart health institute in the world, only a few months ago…
And it’s the one that really saved me from a painful, possibly life-ending heart attack…
I had years and years of damage to my arteries, just like you probably do, and this test, along with the four others, let the doctors know exactly how to treat it…
This bonus is so valuable that it’s worth the small investment you’ll be making in Jaylab Pro, all by itself…
Just by ordering right now from the secure order for you see below…
And, even if you decide that Omega Icon isn’t right for you (although, to-date, no one has made that decision), Jayson would like you to keep these free bonuses no matter what… Just as a way of saying, “Thanks for taking your health and the love of your family so seriously.”
And rest assured…
Jaylab Pro Nutrition has Jayson’s name attached to it, so he personally triple-guarantees Your satisfaction…
Guarantee #1: The Quality: If the quality of Jaylab Pro Nutrition doesn’t live up to its reputation as the finest in krill oil, we will refund your investment – no questions asked…
Guarantee #2: The Results: If you do not see and feel the results Jaylab Pro can give you, simply return the unused portion for an immediate refund…
Guarantee #3: The Price: If you can find a krill oil formulation that’s as high-quality as Omega Icon for a lesser price, we will refund you the difference.
But rest assured, you can’t – Omega Icon is simply the best krill at the best price possible. However, I want you to rest easy, knowing you make the correct and wise decision today…
First, you can possess a healthy heart just like mine and like Karen’s and it starts with Jayson Hunter’s simple 10-Second Secret of krill oil.
Second, you cannot rely on fish oil to meet your EPA and DHA needs.
Studies now show that krill oil is superior in every way without the “fish burps” that will turn you into a social reject.
Third, you absolutely must start here and you must start now!
Give your body what it needs and then let your body do what it’s designed to do; crave healthy foods, crave energy producing activity, crave healthy, vibrant sexual health.
Why force yourself to do this when you don’t have the nutritive tools inside you to get the job done.
Your body simply didn’t have the vital EPA and DHA it needs to thrive and survive…
Now, it can.
Just visit this page right now and click on the button next to the Omega Icon option that’s ideally suited for you…
Then fill out your information.
Then click the big orange button — the one with the arrow pointing to it, so you can’t miss it. :)
Jayson’s incredible discounts that include your access as a Preferred Jaylab Pro Customer…
Plus BOTH of your free life-saving bonuses are not going to be around much longer…
Supply and demand is an unfortunate reality, and as much as Jayson would love to offer everyone these kinds of discounts, he simply cannot do it and keep his company’s doors open…
Valid today, and only on this page…
You cannot buy Jaylab Pro in stores, and you can waste this one-time-offer and try to scour the Internet looking for Omega Icon elsewhere…but you won’t find it…
The only place you can get it at this price, direct from Jayson Hunter himself, is right here…
On the special Discounted Preferred Customer Order Page…
One last, vitally important message…
One of the most selfish things I’ve ever done is to abuse my body…
I could have easily lost my life, or become permanently incapacitated by a stroke…
And where would that have left Karen and the kids?
How would I have felt knowing that another man was raising my children?
How would YOU feel?
How would you feel about not being present for your kids’ or grandkids’ sporting events, watching them at Christmas and Thanksgiving, growing up and enjoying their lives…
Or, leaving the people you love most behind, literally, as you pass on from an early, untimely, and most of all unnecessary, preventable death…
All thanks only to irresponsible actions…and refusing to start the process to protect your health with a simple 10-second fix?
I know I would feel absolutely miserable…and so would you.
Honestly, I couldn’t have lived with myself had I let my health and live go to that degree…
Never experience the pain and agony of watching others have to take care of you, simply because you failed to take care of yourself…
Never watch others experiencing life while you’re stuck in bed or in some medical facility, staring out the window, wishing you had taken action while you still could…
Please: I truly desire so much more for you.
But only YOU can make this desire a reality…
Do so now by giving these life-saving nutrients a fair shot…
Or, you pay nothing. Period.
Jayson Hunter isn’t the kind of man to take someone’s hard-earned cash unless he can deliver the goods.
I found that out personally.
Now it’s your turn…
Click that link now.
Then fill out your information. Then click the big orange button — the one with the arrow pointing to it, so you can’t miss it. :)
Your free Super Bonuses will be waiting for you inside the Preferred Customer’s Area, along with one more “mystery gift” from Jayson…
So, let’s get you signed up, and on the road to the most incredible health, energy, vitality, drive possible, and that trim body you’ve always desired, and deserved!
Thanks for reading, and Jayson will be greeting you on the next page with a special “Welcome to Health” message…
So let’s address the most commonly asked questions, while you determine the best Omega Icon order option for you today…
Q: “Can I eat my way to better levels of EPA and DHA?”
A: That’s a great question. While diet is an important part of your overall health, you have to face the fact that you’re a busy person…and that you probably, like me, don’t want to eat pounds of fresh fish every single day.
Even if you could, fish, unlike Krill Oil, contains dangerous levels of mercury – and these mercury levels are increasing every single year.
The cost of eating that much fish would also exceed the cost of supplementing with EPA and DHA from Krill Oil by a long shot!
So, due to the state of our oceans, our toxic environment, and chronic daily stress, all of which demand even greater amounts of EPA and DHA to maintain and protect your health…
…supplementing with Omega Icon is really your best and only option.
Q: “Can I just by a less expensive form of Krill?”
A: You MAY be able to find a Krill Oil supplement that’s slightly less expensive, but you simply cannot find one that is properly sourced, guaranteed not to be rancid, or anywhere near the EPA/DHA potency of Omega Icon.
Look at it this way… you could try to put really cheap gas into a Ferrari, but instead of saving money, you’ll end up ruining a $100,000 engine.
Your body is worth infinitely MORE than that $100,000 Ferrari engine, and putting cheap nutrients into it is infinitely more dangerous!
When it comes to your heart and your health, never step on dollars to pick up pennies. It’s simply not worth the risk…
…and besides, you cannot get a Triple Guarantee like Jayson offers anywhere else on the planet. Omega Icon is financially the superior choice.
Q: “Do I have to go in a strict diet or exercise plan?”
A: Most so-called “experts” have all of us pretty confused when it comes to diet and exercise…
The truth is that you should never try to force yourself into an eating plan you know you will never follow…
Also, you should never try intense exercise without having proper nutrition… You have to START SIMPLE…
Supplement your current diet with Omega Icon. After a few weeks, you’ll find your cravings for bad foods naturally decreasing…
Then, add in the healthy foods we suggest, and you’ll be well on your way. That’s not a diet – it’s a lifestyle meal strategy…
Personally, I hate the thought of “dieting” and I know for a fact it doesn’t work for most people…
But eating simple, healthy foods when you WANT to is pretty easy!
Do that, and you’ll soon feel yourself wanting to move.
That’s the secret.
Allow your body to absorb these vital nutrients, and your body will start craving what it naturally needs.
So no, I do not suggest radical dieting or exercise for anyone until his or her body says, “Yes, I’m ready!”
Q: “How soon will I feel the benefits of Omega Icon?”
A: Most people report feeling more energy and fewer food cravings within 7-10 days…
… I personally felt the difference in the first 5 days. It works pretty darn quickly…
To maintain these benefits, and to see improved blood work, decreased blood pressure, and healthy weight loss, you need to give Omega Icon at least 90-120 days, which is only fair…
…and one of the main reasons you should take Jayson up on his incredible discounted Omega Icon offer!...
Q: “What if I don’t like Omega Icon?”
A: You would literally be the FIRST, but we want to be sure you absolutely love it, and see/feel the difference…
That’s why Jayson extends his Triple Guarantee…
You have 60 days to try Omega Icon. If for any reason you are not 100 percent thrilled with the results you can see, feel, and test with your doctor, simply return the unopened bottles for a refund of your purchase price…
Q: “What can happen if I do not take EPA and DHA like Jayson and the medical community all suggest?”
A: Well frankly, you run the risk of cutting your life short – by years, or even decades… EPA and DHA are two of the most clinically researched nutrients on the planet… The studies are as conclusive as they are numerous – EPA and DHA are nutrients that compose fatty acids..
And, as we’ve covered, you cannot eat your way to the levels you desire…
Without adequate levels…
Your heart is at risk…
Your blood pressure can elevate…
Your blood sugar levels can get out of control, leading to Type 2 Diabetes, or worse…
Your weight can take off, and you can gain 10, 20m, even 50 pounds of unsightly blubber around your waist, hips, thighs, buttocks, face, and arms…
And your mood can nosedive, taking your sex life, confidence, and joy with it…
Can you honestly say ANY of these are acceptable to you?
If not, then you have your answer – Omega Icon.
It’s guaranteed to work.
It’s the best formulation at the best price on the market today.
And, on this page, right now only…
It’s massively discounted.
Do it right now… you have absolutely nothing to lose as Jayson is taking all the risks for you…
And you have everything to gain…
Just click the link right now and click on the button next to the option that’s ideally suited for you…
Then fill out your information.
You’ll receive your two value-added, life-saving bonuses as well…
“The 15 Most Dangerous “Healthy” Foods You’ve Been Tricked Into Eating!” and “The 5 Blood Tests That Can Save Your Heart That Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About!”
Do that, and Jayson will greet you in the Preferred Member’s Area with a surprise additional bonus!
Thanks for reading and Jayson will be greeting you on the next page with a special, “Welcome To Health” message!
See you inside…
Especially Love The Omega Icon!
My husband has high cholesterol, not because of his diet or lack of fitness, but because of a hereditary condition, and with the use of your EFAs, I am pleased to say he has been able to get off prescription medication that he had been using. As well, I enjoy your newsletters and recipes and share them with others. I find them all very helpful!
Thank you Jaylab Pro Team!!!
We Don't Know If You'll See The Same Results, But Check Out Grace's!
"Just received my lab results since taking krill oil. Amazing results! My doc told me everything was within normal limits. I thought he made a mistake, so I went to records to retrieve a copy, I had to see it for myself: CHL: 185/Tri: 86/HDL: 66.
Thanks Jaylab Pro!"
Thank You So Much For This Amazing Product!
"I was so hesitant to order the Metabo 223X, Active Core Complex and the Omega Icon pills. I don't really like taking pills and EVERY vitamin I've ever taken has made me nauseous. I take ALL of these pills no problem! and after just 4 days I am feeling so great and already lost 1 lb! Thank you so much for this amazing product =)"
Diana Sanchez Kloster
"I've lost 13 lbs. taking Metabo 223x. You guys definitely have the best products on the market. I will be a customer for life!!!"
I Am Slowly Becoming Addicted To Your Products
“I ordered Omega Icon last month and started taking it immediately. I also take the Rejuvenator 6X, the Active Core Complex and the Protein powder. I am slowly becoming addicted to your products and have lost 12 pounds over the last 2 weeks. I've of course included a healthy meal plan into all this and feel amazing!"
"My knee pain is gone and my energy level has gone up significantly. Your products are amazing!"
I Never Felt So Good
“I am very happy today! 3 months back doctor told me that my cholesterol levels are slightly on higher side and need to start medication if the levels are same after three months.
Instead i started taking Omega Icon and Active Core Complex a couple months back. Today I got my lab reports and its normal:
HDL - 51
LDL - 104
Total Cholesterol - 189
My doctor was surprised....
I do not know how to thank you guys! I never felt so good. A Big THANK YOU!"
Hasn't Felt This Good in Years
"I've been using Active Core Complex for Women, Omega Icon and Rejuvenator 6X for just over a year now. I can honestly tell you I haven't felt this good in years! The products don't upset my stomach at all, unlike other brands, and I can really tell the difference in my health*. If you're looking for nutritional products that actually deliver results, then look no further than Jaylab Pro. "
Great Flavor AND Results
"These products don't just have great flavor, they deliver serious results. Since I started using Lean, Omega Icon, Active Core Complex just three weeks ago, well, I have already seen great results! Thanks for the great products!"
Thank you for a quality product!
My wife and I love how good we feel when we take Active Core Complex and Omega Icon and wanted to thank you for putting out a quality product I can be proud to sell to clients. AND the great thing is: my clients spontaneously tell me how pleased they are too! My family and I thank you and your team. Cheers,
Feeling much better already after a couple weeks
I recommended this to my brother who was looking for a quality supplement for his current training.. He said he's LOVING the Active Core Complex and Active Recovery. Said he's feeling much better already after a couple weeks!* He purchased the Platinum Package of Active Core Complex, Active Recovery, and Omega Icon.. You guys have got it down with quality that's for sure!
Keeps Me Looking 21 Years Old
"Keeps me looking 21 years old. Seriously, I train more now daily than I did as a professional football player and wrestler.
Omega Icon keeps my pain under control and Workout recovery drink has taken away all my headaches and allows me to train over 4 times daily.
I love these products!"
*We don't know if you will experience the same or similar results as these customers. Your experiences may not be as positive.
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** Notice: WARNING: If you are allergic to shellfish, have a blood coagulation disorder, or are taking anticoagulants such as Warfarin (Coumadin), do not use Krill Oil. |